Motivation Monday: Don’t be Afraid of Blank Pages

All things considered, I think ever single writer and creator does stunning and beautiful work. Think about it. Everything we write or create, it starts out as a blank slate. It’s nothing but white space begging to be filled. Always be proud of your accomplishments. Even if it’s something small or short. You came up with that. You created that. It wouldn’t be there without your efforts. And keep creating. Never give up your creative mind. Continue reading “Motivation Monday: Don’t be Afraid of Blank Pages”

Motivation Monday

Following in last weeks footsteps, I’ve taken another quote from Albert Einstein. It’s so easy to do what is…well…easy. It’s easy to do what we’ve always done. But staying safe and doing something everyone else does isn’t what we’re made for. Be unique. Take changes. Make this week the best one yet.

Be brave and go out to sea.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday! I’m excited for what’s to come this week and next week. I can’t wait to share it with you all! Until next time.

Heather Anne

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Motivation Monday

This is my favorite quote from such a renowned and intelligent man. Everyone learns differently. A lot of kids grew up feeling stupid and inadequate. Kinds just like me. Children who don’t test well don’t excel. They’re taught they’re not as intelligent as the kid sitting next to them. What they should teach in school is that not everyone learns the same. And the kids who don’t test well aren’t stupid. It’s just not how they learn.

Just because you learn differently doesn’t mean you’re stupid.

I hope everyone had a positive and productive weekend. I know it’s been a busy two weeks for me. Things are finally slowing down a bit. I appreciate every like, comment, and subscribe I receive. I wouldn’t be here without your continued support.

Heather Anne

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Motivation Monday

Happy Monday, everyone! I saw this lovely quote last week and absolutely loved it. The simple idea of our dreams coming true makes life exciting. After turning twenty four over the weekend, I’m more determined than ever to follow my dreams. Thank you for your continued support. I definitely enjoy chasing my dreams with all of you.

I’m so excited for the post this wheel. I hope all of you enjoy them! Until then!

Heather Anne

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Motivation Monday

Happy Monday, everyone! Another Monday. Another motivational quote. Today I decided to feature a saying from the ever wise Rumi. I wanted to piggy backing off what I talked about on Friday. You may fall, but don’t let that be the end. Show all the naysayers what you’re capable of achieving. Show them they’re wrong.

I have a couple posts planned for this week, and I’m excited to share them with you all. Until then, have a wonderful Monday!

Heather Anne

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