Hello. It’s me. 

Hello, my wonderful and beautiful internet friends. Did you miss me? Of course I missed you. It’s been a long time, and I’m terribly sorry for my absence.

It was a fast year. So much has happened. I’m shocked that it’s already the beginning of May and well over a year since my last post. It goes without saying that a lot of changes occurred in the last year. The most prevalent and shocking one for me is that I’m finally able to write again.

For longer than I’d like to admit, I was unable to write. It was like I was in a haze. Every time I sat down to get something on paper, the white space would taunt me. Even back when I started this blog again, I still couldn’t put words onto a page.

After over a year of a terrible dry spell, I’m back. I’m churning out a lot of posts and a novel idea. I’m finally able to write again, and I almost feel free.

I’m back to try this adventure again. If you’re willing to take this journey with me, I’d greatly appreciate your love and support. I have many posts scheduled over the next few weeks, with several more in the works. Here’s to the future, whatever it may bring.

5 thoughts on “Hello. It’s me. 

  1. Welcome back again, Heather! I’m busy editing my novel, but I will try and keep up with you. Looking forward to your posts, as you write so wonderfully. I am glad life has been kind to you these days. 🙂

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    1. Thank you for being a loyal and kind friend since the moment I started this journey. I appreciate you more than words can say! Thank you for checking it on me! I hope the novel is going well!

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      1. It is, but editing is a lot harder than I expected. I’m pleased that you are writing again. Glad to see you back, I love the smiley photo of you. (and I worked out comments are not disabled, you just can’t comment unless you click on the title and go to the post page. My new theme does the same thing.)

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      2. Hmmm. I haven’t tweaked with it on my laptop. I’m mostly on my phone or table. (My laptop seems to be in need of some tlc or replacing.) It looks different on there, I suppose. But thanks for the heads up! 😀

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  2. Remember, I thought comments were disabled on your home page (okay, it was a year ago!) but it is just a theme thing. I cannot change mine, I don’t even get a comment count on the home page (set to the latest blog posts). Probably does react differently on tablet and mobile. I hadn’t thought of that.

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